Welcome to Trade Summaries!

If you're passionate about stock trading and want to expand your knowledge efficiently, you've come to the right place. At Trade Summaries, we provide well-structured breakdowns of some of the best trading books—helping you grasp key concepts and strategies in a concise and easy-to-digest format.

What You’ll Find Here

Each summary will cover:
Core principles of the book
Key trading strategies and techniques
Practical takeaways you can apply in real trading

While our summaries offer valuable insights, they are not a replacement for the original books. Instead, they serve as a quick refresher or a guide to help you decide if a book is worth reading in full.

Our First Book Summary –  The Candlestick Trading Bible 

We’re kicking things off with The Candlestick Trading Bible, a must-read for traders who want to master price action and candlestick patterns. Stay tuned as we break down its most important lessons!

💬 Have a book in mind that you'd like summarized? Drop a comment or reach out!

Happy trading!